Monday, April 19, 2010

A first post had to happen at some point

A lot of things in the world annoy me. Greatly, intensely, severely annoy me. Children, cliches, pickled food, loud chewing, open-mouth breathers, stupid people, small talk, politicians, overly happy people, overly depressed people, bugs, and soggy bread are just a few of those things. Also, I am frequently bored. Why am I telling you all this information about myself? 1) Because I'm interesting, 2) to clarify the purpose of this blog, and 3) to have a first post. So here is my first post. I find it to be sufficient for starting this blogging adventure. It will be fun and entertaining, I promise. If you disagree then you can go away, seeing as how you probably don't matter to me anyway.

But seriously though, what's with the people who walk around with their mouths wide open for no reason? Open-mouth breathing is only acceptable if you are sick or don't have a complete jaw. Close your mouths people, you look like idiots. There will be more on this topic at a later date.


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